Concerned about access to physicians and health care in Alberta? You're not alone.

The provincial Government has promised change. It’s time to make sure these promises are implemented.

Click here to learn about the crisis in acute care!
Sign up below to join our movement and advocate for investment in Alberta’s health care system. With your help, we can work toward ensuring you get the care you need when you need it, whether in comprehensive family and rural physician care or from other specialists in our acute care and hospital system.

The Facts Behind Our Healthcare Crisis:

The reality for healthcare in Alberta is concerning. The availability of the essential services family doctors provide is in jeopardy. The promise made by the government to implement a new funding model cannot be delayed any longer. There is an urgent need to invest in these vital clinics and ensure continued access to healthcare for Albertans. 

There is a real crisis in our healthcare system. With a third of the province's primary care physicians considering stepping away from their practices sooner than expected, Alberta faces the potential for a significant gap in patient care and access to medical services. 

Family doctor practices are hanging on by a thread. Across the province, 90% of family doctors are worried about the financial health of their practices. This is a critical problem in our province's primary system and risks the accessibility and quality of care for so many Albertans. It needs to be addressed right now.  

This threat to healthcare accessibility leads to longer wait times and reduced access for patients. It's a clear sign that the government needs to keep its promise and take the necessary steps to support family doctors and primary care, ensuring that Albertans continue to receive the timely and effective care they rely on. 

You deserve life-long, comprehensive care

Albertans are in desperate need of more family and rural physicians to provide comprehensive care from birth to end of life. Without access to these vital services, the health and well-being of our communities are at risk. Every Albertan deserves to have a family doctor who can address both physical and mental health concerns without delay. Whether it's illness, injury, or chronic conditions, timely access to information, support, and monitoring is essential. The government's promise to invest in primary care must be fulfilled urgently to ensure that no Albertan is left without the care they deserve. Time is running out – Alberta needs action now! 

Around the world, evidence shows that access to a primary care physician working with a team means that:
  • Patients receive timely care.
  • Patients get help to manage their chronic conditions.
  • Fewer patients show up in emergency rooms, reducing hospital overload and wait times.
  • Disease and illness are diagnosed early with fewer avoidable deaths.
  • There are fewer hospitalizations in general, saving money for the system.
This is what should happen, but too often it does not. Alberta has fallen behind other provinces that are acting to keep and attract doctors and provide an environment where comprehensive primary care can thrive.

Alberta’s family and rural generalist doctors have provided proposals to government about what it will take to save small business clinics that are on the brink of collapse. These changes can also make Alberta once again a place where doctors, resident physicians and medical students are eager to come.  
The government has promised investment toward the stabilization of primary care, as well as support for all the requirements of comprehensive patient care.

On April 4, 2024 the first payment of $92 million from the federal government transfer funding began flowing to eligible practices. These dollars will help family and rural physicians keep the lights on and remain practicing comprehensive care until a new payment model is available. That payment model recommended by Alberta doctors must be implemented without delay.

We need your help to make sure these changes are carried out, today before tomorrow.

The urgency is real. Albertans can’t afford any more delays.  

When you join our movement, you will soon also learn about the parallel, unfolding crisis in acute care and what physicians believe needs to occur so that we can keep the physicians we have and recruit the best and brightest going forward.

Be one of thousands of Albertans who are working towards a better Alberta. Together we can guarantee an investment in the prosperity and health of our province.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication and support towards PatientsFirst. Let's seize this opportunity to create a stronger Alberta, ensuring a better future for health care and the well-being of all its residents.
For more information, check out the Alberta Medical Association

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There is a healthcare crisis in Alberta and we need your help to make sure family doctors and primary care receive the necessary support and investment to keep putting PatientsFirst!